濾掛式咖啡 - 100%KA’U得獎莊園精品 中烘焙 10 入組

濾掛式咖啡 - 100%KA’U得獎莊園精品 中烘焙 10 入組

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KA'U得獎莊園精品咖啡豆製成的濾掛式咖啡 x 10入一組


全自動機器包裝 x 保鮮氮氣填充








風味:  洋溢花果、甜橙、蜜糖/二砂糖香氣,

🌼🌸KAU卡霧莊園的故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5fawbCd_qs🌸🌼

存貨 尚有庫存

NTD 500 USD 16.59



French press can be one of the most convenient brewing tools in the office or at home. Step1 Boil a pot of water enough to fill your French press. Step 2 It is good to use coarse coffee grounds for French press. You can use ISLANDER All Purpose Ground, or grind it as coarse as sea salt. You can start from 1:10 coffee-to-water ratio; then adjust according to your preference. Step 3 Put coffee into French press. Start the timer for 4 minutes and gently pour boiled water onto your coffee grounds as in the spiral direction. You can either stir ground gently by water, bamboo paddle, spoon or butter knife. Step4 After pouring, insert the lid (plunger) to the level of water surface. Don’t press down yet. This can keep the temperature of water and make grounds more saturated. Step 5 When it’s time, press down the lid. Don’t let coffee sit in the French press; serve immediately to avoid over extracting.



Pour Over:

In this brewing guide, we use ISLANDER’s 100% Award-winning Ka’u as an example. Our recommendation is to measure out 16g coffee beans and grind as coarse as fine sugar. There are 3 pours and 6-7 fl oz of water in total. Step 1 Warm up the dripper & the carafe and then rinse the filter paper to wash off its paper taste. If you have a digital scale, place the set of dripper and carafe on it and calibrate it as zero. Step2 First pour is about 5 fl oz. When the water is boiling, start to pour in a steady spiral shape slowly over the coffee from the center to the outer rim. Then move back from outer rim to the center and make sure that all the coffee grounds are saturated. Purpose of the first pour is to extract the acidity in the coffee. Step 3 Pour about 1.2-1.5 fl oz for the second time to extract the sweetness of coffee. Pour from the center to the outer rim. It’s just like drawing circles for 4 times. Step 4 For the third pour, it is to extract the bitterness of coffee. It could be skipped according to personal preference. Pour around 0.5 fl oz from center to outer rim but in an opposite direction as previous pour. Just enjoy this good cup of coffee! That acidity, sweetness and bitterness create a good balance is key to a good cup of coffee. Follow ISALANDER’s brewing guide to distinguish the features of Hawaiian coffee, which is bright and clear, sweet but mild acidic, even better.



Coffee Maker:

Coffee machine is quite a convenient tool to brew a cup of coffee. Just pay attention to some details and select good quality beans, coffee machine can still make a good cup of coffee. ISLANDER’s All Purpose Ground coffee powder is recommended. Or you can grind coffee as coarse as table sugar. Please refer to Brewing Guide of different coffee beans of ISLANDER for more details. Step 1 Pour appropriate amount of water into the coffee maker reservoir. Step2 Place coffee powder in maker basket/filter. Spray some cold water onto coffee powder to avoid over extraction made by steam of maker when contacting power directly. Step3 Turn on coffee maker. Step4 Enjoy a good cup of coffee! * If filter paper is needed, please use hot water to rinse filter paper to wash out the paper taste.



French press:

French press can be one of the most convenient brewing tools in the office or at home. Step1 Boil a pot of water enough to fill your French press. Step 2 It is good to use coarse coffee grounds for French press. You can use ISLANDER All Purpose Ground, or grind it as coarse as sea salt. You can start from 1:10 coffee-to-water ratio; then adjust according to your preference. Step 3 Put coffee into French press. Start the timer for 4 minutes and gently pour boiled water onto your coffee grounds as in the spiral direction. You can either stir ground gently by water, bamboo paddle, spoon or butter knife. Step4 After pouring, insert the lid (plunger) to the level of water surface. Don’t press down yet. This can keep the temperature of water and make grounds more saturated. Step 5 When it’s time, press down the lid. Don’t let coffee sit in the French press; serve immediately to avoid over extracting.



Moka Pot:

Step 1 Fill the bottom part, water tank, of Moka Pot with water; do not exceed the level of safety valve. Step 2 Grind coffee as fine as table sugar or just use ISLANDER’s All Purpose Ground coffee powder and fill the tilter basket. Shake to make the grounds evenly, and place the basket into the water tank. Step3 Screw the Moka Pot’s top on the water tank tightly. Step4 Place the pot on a stove and set to medium to low heat. Caution: don’t burn the handle of the pot! Step5 After a few minutes, when the water in the water tank is pushed up slowly to the upper chamber. When you hear a hissing sound, turn off the flame. Coffee is ready to serve now. You can adjust grounds to water ration according to your preference. The fineness of grounds can be a little bit bigger than the usual one for express machine; in case that fine grounds may stuck the gasket.



  • 將咖啡豆置入豆槽後,依照說明書設定水溫及單杯Espresso 出水量及時間,建議咖啡機請選擇可提供9bar以上之工作壓力規格。




  • 取7 ~ 8克咖啡豆,研磨成家用精鹽般粗細 (大飛馬磨豆機刻度約 1.5),勿過細。
  • 咖啡粉放入承粉器後整粉壓平,儘量讓咖啡粉密度均勻且緊實,之後再將承粉器鎖緊。
  • 選擇提供 9bar以上之壓力輸出,設定88~92度c水溫,以25秒萃取 30cc expresso 咖啡液作基礎設定,如此可感受天然日曬香氣與巧克力口味,萃取時間及流量濃淡可依個人喜好調整,但需避免流速過慢或過快。
  • 若可設定機器採預先浸泡模式,先釋出一些水分浸溼咖啡粉,可使整體口感順口並取得較佳的crema 




  • 請依濾紙上箭頭標示易撕虛線方向撕開。
  • 將濾紙雙面的掛耳拉開,掛在咖啡杯緣兩側上。
  • 使用95度c以上熱水沖泡,最能呈現咖啡風味。
  • 分次注入熱開水,可先注入少量,再分數次持續注入,建議最終萃取150-200CC(請依個人喜好調整水量與時間)。
  • 將濾紙拿起,即可享用一杯現沖精品咖啡。
